Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Semper Fi

I'm not going to fill this post with a whole lot of info, I am just going to ask that you please be in thought and prayer for Corey and I.

I was fortunate enough to experience a milestone in Corey and I's life while watching him swear into the United States Marine Corps on September 1st!! He is scheduled to leave for boot camp on January 17, 2011. I am thankful that we know an exact date...it is so much more helpful knowing that when you're trying to "prepare" yourself to not see or speak to your husband for 3 months. I have gotten so much good advice from a lot of people (thank you!), had endless conversations and q&a sessions with our Recruiter, and talked to countless other Marines and Marine wives. I am very conscious of the sacrifices Corey and I will end up making in our marriage and our lives by joining the Marines. On that same note, we feel like we are gaining so much more in return. Corey and I both believe that there is nothing more rewarding than serving your country and doing it for the right reasons. I don't think this experience will weaken the two of us as individuals or as a couple, if anything I believe that it will strengthen us more than anything and show us a side of life we would have otherwise never experienced.

Not a day goes by that I don't remind Corey how proud of him I am. I have been told that as a Marine wife, I will have the second most coveted job in the military. I am glad that one day, our children will be able to say that their Daddy was a Marine and I hope that fills them with the same sense of pride it does me. To me, that is what makes this decision we've made worth it. Here's to our future and seeing where the Marine Corps takes us!

"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem."
- President Ronald Reagan, 1985

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fall, finally!

It's Fall, my favorite season.
I love the smells, colors and holidays...but definitely not the part about school starting again. This is my last semester at at Santa Fe, it's taken me forever just to get this far and I'm excited that it's almost over. I was accepted into St. Leo, but with Corey going into the Marines we've decided to wait and see where we're going to end up before I start my BA since it all varies state to state for my major. No point in starting at a school and transferring, not knowing if any of my credits will transfer with me. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Finally, things are starting to fall into place. Corey swears into the USMC on September 1st in Jacksonville! After that we'll know his for sure leave date for bootcamp. I'm glad things are finally happening, it makes me feel better knowing actual dates and not just time frames. I'll add pictures later of my hubby swearing in! He makes me proud!

Corey goes on Friday to get his wisdom teeth taken out. I hate it for him...I had mine taken out two years ago and he took such good care of me the entire time. It was not a fun experience for me but he's tough and I'm glad we are able to get this taken care of before bootcamp. It gives me a little more peace of mind that it will be one less thing he (and I) has to worry about.

I officially met my niece, Elli, for the first time last night. She is absolutely perfect, of course. Erica (my sister-in-law) was induced a month early due to a few complications and Elli made her grand entrance via c-section. Josh and Erica brought her home on Friday and she already has everyone wrapped around her extra tiny finger. It's cute seeing my brother with a baby, especially since it's his baby. I love being an aunt...very few things make me happier than spending time with my nieces and nephews. Corey and I can not wait to start a family, but until then I will enjoy my sister and brother's kids as much as I possibly can :)

I will try to keep everyone updated on whats going on with Corey. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, they are truly appreciated!!

Oh, Look what I found....

This was 2003, our Junior Homecoming. HILARIOUS! Just wanted to share :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Elli

Elizabeth "Elli" Madison Darden

Born August 17, 2010
4 lbs. 8 oz.
18 inches long
The most beautiful baby girl!

Proud Aunt KK

Daddy & Elli

She never cried...just checked everyone out the entire time.

Sweet Angel. Answered Prayer. Miracle.
Happy Birthday Princess Elli!
Congratulations Josh & Erica...you are going to be amazing parents.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Hardest Part

"Do not be dismayed by goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends."

I remember meeting Brittney when we both worked at Winn-Dixie in high school. We became friends right away and just never stopped. Six years later, she is still like a sister to me. Tomorrow, Britt is leaving for boot camp. She enlisted in the Army Reserve sometime last year and her husband, Joe, is active duty in the Army. When she graduates from bootcamp and AIT, her and Joe are moving to Kentucky, where Joe will be stationed. To say that I am proud of Britt is an understatement. She has gone through so many obstacles in her life that could have easily steered her in a very bad direction, but instead she has made herself into a person that I look up to. I admire her in so many ways...for her strength, loyalty, honesty and her heart.

Britt, you have been my best friend for the past 6 years. You have made me realize what it means to make sacrifices...for family, for love, and for our country. To tell you that I will miss you just doesn't seem like enough. I hope you know how proud of you I am. I hope this journey that you and Joe have set out on is filled with success, happiness and joy. I will miss our dinner dates and shopping trips and I just hope Skype doesn't start charging! I love you Britters!

Jordann, Kacie and I (and Joe) decided a few weeks ago to throw Britt a Surprise going away party...the only problem is that Britt always finds these things out! With a lot of planning and secret phone calls and text messages from Joe, we successfully pulled off the surprise!! Jordy, Kace and I had a blast planning everything and seeing it all come together.

You'll always be my little croissant :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Hurry up and wait...."

"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

As of right now, Corey and I are still waiting to hear when he will be leaving for boot camp. We've been given some ideas but the actual date has not been nailed down yet. It's such an exciting time for us...I feel like we are getting ready to plan our entire lives. It still seems so far away, but each day that passes I am more and more grateful for the time we have together now. I know all of this is going to change in a flash and a part of me is scared to death, but a bigger part of me is so proud of my brave husband, it's hard to put into words.

Becoming part of this military family has opened my eyes to so much. It has helped me gain a far greater appreciation for the men and women who are fighting everyday for our freedom. I know that isn't something we should ever take for granted. So, in the meantime we are anxiously waiting to hear when Corey leaves for bootcamp. I am just beyond ready to get the ball rolling!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Step One...

"The hardest part of any journey is taking that first step."

I am going to try my best to keep up with this blog, with all that is about to happen it seems like a good idea to keep everyone updated. It's been a crazy year, to say the least. Marrying Corey was the best and most exciting thing I've ever done! I love being married...I am so blessed with such a hard-working, smart and handsome guy! In our first year of marriage so many unexpected things were been thrown our way, but I can honestly say I love my husband more and more every day.

Since Corey and I started dating we have talked about the possibility of him joining the military. The Marines were always at the top of his list, but his first priority was Fire College. I respect the decision that Corey has made in joining the Marines. I support his decision 100%, and even though I may not know exactly how challenging the years to come will be, I know that this is the right decision for us. To say that I am proud of Corey is an understatement...he has always been my hero and he never ceases to amaze me.

As of right now, Corey may be set to leave in November for 13 weeks of bootcamp. No phone calls, no Skype, no texts...only letters. Not hearing Corey's voice or knowing I can't pick up the phone to call him whenever I want literally brings to me tears. This is going to be difficult but so worth it, and we are well aware of that. Please keep Corey and I in your prayers...this is just the beginning of this journey.