Friday, July 23, 2010

Step One...

"The hardest part of any journey is taking that first step."

I am going to try my best to keep up with this blog, with all that is about to happen it seems like a good idea to keep everyone updated. It's been a crazy year, to say the least. Marrying Corey was the best and most exciting thing I've ever done! I love being married...I am so blessed with such a hard-working, smart and handsome guy! In our first year of marriage so many unexpected things were been thrown our way, but I can honestly say I love my husband more and more every day.

Since Corey and I started dating we have talked about the possibility of him joining the military. The Marines were always at the top of his list, but his first priority was Fire College. I respect the decision that Corey has made in joining the Marines. I support his decision 100%, and even though I may not know exactly how challenging the years to come will be, I know that this is the right decision for us. To say that I am proud of Corey is an understatement...he has always been my hero and he never ceases to amaze me.

As of right now, Corey may be set to leave in November for 13 weeks of bootcamp. No phone calls, no Skype, no texts...only letters. Not hearing Corey's voice or knowing I can't pick up the phone to call him whenever I want literally brings to me tears. This is going to be difficult but so worth it, and we are well aware of that. Please keep Corey and I in your prayers...this is just the beginning of this journey.