Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Hurry up and wait...."

"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

As of right now, Corey and I are still waiting to hear when he will be leaving for boot camp. We've been given some ideas but the actual date has not been nailed down yet. It's such an exciting time for us...I feel like we are getting ready to plan our entire lives. It still seems so far away, but each day that passes I am more and more grateful for the time we have together now. I know all of this is going to change in a flash and a part of me is scared to death, but a bigger part of me is so proud of my brave husband, it's hard to put into words.

Becoming part of this military family has opened my eyes to so much. It has helped me gain a far greater appreciation for the men and women who are fighting everyday for our freedom. I know that isn't something we should ever take for granted. So, in the meantime we are anxiously waiting to hear when Corey leaves for bootcamp. I am just beyond ready to get the ball rolling!

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